Tag: narcissism

  • Narcissistic Parents Effect Your Mind | LiseColucci.com

    Narcissistic parents are like emotional loose cannons – their unpredictable rage, shifting blame, and broken promises create a constant state of “waiting for the other shoe to drop” in their children. This cocktail of uncertainty, fear, and a desperate need for approval leaves lasting scars, making it hard for you to feel safe and secure…

  • Blame Shifting: How Covert Narcissists Avoid Accountability

    Covert narcissists are masters of deflection. They’ll dodge blame by: -Playing the victim: They twist situations to make themselves seem like the hurt party. -Guilt trips: They make you feel responsible for THEIR actions or bad moods. -Minimizing your feelings: They downplay your perspective, making you question your own reality. -Passive-aggressive jabs: They subtly criticize…

  • 5 Sneaky Tactics Narcissists Use in Arguments

    Navigating disagreements with someone who has narcissistic traits can be a complex experience. Their communication style can often lead to misunderstandings and frustration. They might excel at deflecting blame, reframing situations, and using circular arguments that make it difficult to reach a resolution. Understanding these tactics can help you navigate these situations more effectively. 5…

  • Narcissists Exploit Your Vulnerability For Their Benefit

    Narcissists spend a lot of time getting to know you, but not in a genuine way. They’re looking for your sensitive spots – your fears, insecurities, and dreams. This information isn’t for connection; it’s ammunition. Later, they might use your fear of failure to keep you from trying new things, dangle your dreams in front…

  • Unveiling The Unseen Wounds Of Growing Up With Narcissistic Parents

    Living with a narcissistic parent can feel like navigating a minefield. Every situation is a potential explosion, leaving you constantly waiting for the “other shoe to drop.” Growing up in this environment creates a hypervigilance for negativity. A compliment might feel like a setup for criticism later. A calm day might leave you on edge,…

  • Co-parenting With A Narcissist: Tips For Parallel Parenting

    Co-parenting with a narcissist most often fails due to one factor, you are dealing with a narcissist. Traditional communication is likely fraught with conflict and manipulation. When co-parenting fails because of the manipulation parallel parenting can become the only option to both keep your sanity and protect your children. Imagine two parallel train tracks –…

  • Trauma Response To Narcissistic Abuse: Fawning

    In the aftermath of narcissistic abuse, you might find yourself instinctively fawning – becoming a people-pleaser to avoid further conflict. This is a natural reaction to the unpredictable and often explosive behavior of a narcissist. You might find yourself constantly apologizing, anticipating their needs, or going above and beyond to keep them calm. Unfortunately, fawning…

  • Do Narcissists Have Any Empathy At All?

    Ever feel like your a narcissist “gets” you intellectually, but just doesn’t seem to care? That might be cognitive empathy at play. A narcissist can analyze your emotions like a puzzle – figuring out sadness, anger, or fear. They might even say the “right” things. But it’s all a performance. Imagine a sad movie that…

  • Beware Of These Warning Signs Of Cerebral Narcissism

    Cerebral narcissists are the know-it-alls of the narcissist world. They cloak themselves in complex jargon and niche references, leaving others feeling intimidated and confused. Cerebral narcissists thrive on intellectual dominance. For them, intelligence is a trophy, not a tool for connection. Cerebral narcissists crave intellectual validation and use their minds as weapons. Here are some…

  • Stop Engaging With Toxic Narcissists

    Feeling drained by a narcissist’s manipulation and negativity? It’s time to break the cycle. Instead of getting sucked into their drama or trying to “fix” them, step back and prioritize your own peace of mind. Set boundaries by limiting contact, redirecting conversations to positive topics, and refusing to participate in their negativity. Remember, you can’t…

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